Sunday 5 August 2012

52 weeks of grateful :: a break

I am struggling to get my blogging mojo back. General everyday mojo. Whatevs. I've missed a few gratefuls being in holiday mode. Tonight, my head hurts. Literally. I have a shit of a headache. But then, when are they ever good? But I want to get this little post out, even if it will be short and sweet. In words that is. Not images. Duh.

This week (and for the last few weeks) I am, and have been ever so grateful for ::

a break
my parents
a break with my parents
my dad's washing, cooking and cleaning
my mum's company
my sister's growing belly
a change of scenery
late night laughter
fresh air
warm fresh air
no agenda
the playground
the beach
slow days
time with my brother
tv nights
coming home

{Linking up with Bron for Kidspot Village Voices}


  1. Beautiful things to be grateful for Tahnee. So sorry to hear you have a headache, try to rest up as much as humanly possible. A blogging break is good, you'll get the groove back before you know it. And those delightful images speak for themselves, magic times xo

  2. isn't sunshine just awesome? i love these photos, and all your gratefuls- my mum is coming for a stay this week and i am so in need of some nurturing! hope your head wakes up better :) sarah

  3. Love those shots...especially your dad in the boat on his phone!
    Lovely gratefuls

  4. Beautiful things to be grateful for and beautiful images to capture this!! x

  5. God you take the most beautiful photos :)

    I celebrated family in a similar fashion this week.

    I *get* all of those things you're grateful for. Truly get it x

  6. These are right up there with the best photos I think I've seen. Nice work. It looks and sounds like the break was well enjoyed, and yes, a lot to be truly grateful snd appreciative of. xx


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